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Late Night Christmas Snack With Sesh Mustard

Late Night Christmas Snack With Sesh Mustard

And On The


Day Of Christmas, We Are Serving

Late Night Christmas Snack
With Sesh Mustard

The ultimate Boxing Day (or late night Christmas Day) treat - leftover chrissy ham, melty oozy cheese and a lick of this delicious fragrant spiced mustard. A few tangy pickles for good measure - It doesn’t get much better than this!


8 slices Sourdough
8 slices Christmas Ham
1 cup Tasty Cheese (grated)
8 slices Swiss Cheese
50g Butter (room temperature)
Sesh Mustard



Spread each slice of bread with mustard.


On four slices of bread arrange the ham and cheese slices (2 slices of each).


Top with grated cheese and then the other slice of bread.


Butter the outside of each Toastie on both sides and either cook in a sandwich press until the cheese is melted or cook in a skillet over a medium high heat for 2-3 minutes each side.


Vegetarian: Leave out the ham.

Missing out on the Advent Calendar fun & excitement for 2022?

Its never to early to start thinking about Christmas......Even when it's the Christmas of 2023. We sold out of our Advent Calendars for 2022 but if your wanting to keep upto date with our plans for next year then let us know your details below and we will keep you in the loop that way.

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