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The Perfect Christmas Ham With Glam Ham Glaze

And On The


Day Of Christmas, We Are Serving

The Perfect Christmas Ham
With Glam Ham Glaze

Don’t take any chances with your Christmas ham this year! Follow this recipe with our Glam Ham Glaze to get it just right.


1 Large Ham
1 Jar Glam Ham Glaze
2 tbsp Whole Cloves



As a rough timing guide, we will say 20 minutes per 500g of ham. On average, our hams will be around 3kg, so we are looking at 2 hours cooking time.


To start, I like to remove the skin of the ham, yet leave a nice thick layer of fat, then we can use a long sharp knife to score our ham in a criss cross pattern. Stud each join with a whole clove (push them in deeply) and cover ham in ½ jar Glam Ham Glaze. Cover well and set aside overnight.


We want to serve our ham hot, so work out what your cooking time is going to be, and what time you will need to get the ham into the oven. (Eg: We are eating at 5, I need 2 hours cook time, 30 mins rest time and 30 minutes to carve and serve so my ham is going in at 2pm).


Uncover your marinated ham, and place it in a deep baking dish. Add 2 cups of water to the dish. Glaze again with roughly ¼ jar Glam Ham Glaze. Cover the whole dish well with tin foil.


Pop it in the oven at 160ºC degrees, and leave him alone for the first hour. After that first hour, we are going to lightly glaze again, then every 15-20 minutes after that. Uncover the ham for the last 30 minutes of cooking time so that our edges start to crisp and the glaze gets lovely and caramelised.


Once our two hours is up (or whatever your time is), check the ham’s core temperature. We want it around 75ºC. If it’s not quite there, give him a little more time.


Glaze our ham once more after it’s cooked. Set aside to rest for 20-30 minutes in a warm place.


Carve with a long sharp filleting or carving knife. We want long thin slices, perhaps cut them in half if they are bigger than our dinner plates. Serve with Sesh Mustard or cranberry jelly, and enjoy on sandwiches for the next month or so!

Missing out on the Advent Calendar fun & excitement for 2022?

Its never to early to start thinking about Christmas......Even when it's the Christmas of 2023. We sold out of our Advent Calendars for 2022 but if your wanting to keep upto date with our plans for next year then let us know your details below and we will keep you in the loop that way.

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