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Roast Vegetables & Labneh With Spit Roast Salt Flakes

Roast Vegetables & Labneh With Spit Roast Salt Flakes

And On The


Day Of Christmas, We Are Serving

Roast Vegetables & Labneh
With Spit Roast Salt Flakes

An easy way to turn the humble roast veggie into a colourful delicious delight that will work on any dinner table. The thick creamy labneh, with the rosemary, garlic and lemon of the salt is a match made in heaven. Enjoy this recipe with whatever vegetables you have on hand! The labneh also works amazingly paired with the crusted salmon fillet.


Roast Vegetables

4 Parsnips
6 Small Carrots
2 Beetroot
2 Onions
2-3 tsp Spit Roast Salt Flakes
Olive Oil


1 tub Natural Greek Yoghurt
Zest of One Lemon
1 tsp Man Grind (heaped)



To prepare the labneh the night before line a sieve with muslin or cheese cloth.


Mix the man grind and lemon zest into the yoghurt and pour into the lined sieve. Place the sieve over a bowl and pop in the fridge to drain over night. You with end up with thick scoopable labneh the next day. 


To prepare the vegetables cut the carrots and parsnips into quarters, lengthwise and then in half again if they are large. Cut the beetroots and onions into wedges.


Arrange in a baking tray and drizzle generously with olive oil and season with the Spit Roast Salt Flakes.


Bake for 40 min at 180°c Fan Bake.

To Serve:

Arrange the vegetables on a platter and spoon over dollops of the labneh.


Dairy Free: Serve labneh on the side.

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Its never to early to start thinking about Christmas......Even when it's the Christmas of 2023. We sold out of our Advent Calendars for 2022 but if your wanting to keep upto date with our plans for next year then let us know your details below and we will keep you in the loop that way.

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